The Importance of the Value Proposition

The Importance of the Value Proposition

Value propositions establish customer value based on the business relationship. They describe how the seller’s solutions will improve the customer’s business and how that improvement with be measured. Value propositions are opportunity and customer specific and are developed collaboratively with the customer throughout the pursuit cycle.

A value proposition goes beyond a theme statement and:

  • Quantifies the anticipated business improvement for the customer
  • Specifies the timing of the benefits
  • Specifies the timing of the investment
  • States the payback period (ROI)
  • Specifies how the results will be measured
When creating your value proposition be sure you:

Establish a single sales objective. Narrow the focus of your value proposition to a single sales objective—be sure to answer for the customer: What’s in it for us?

Use the value proposition as a collaborative selling tool. The best value propositions are specific and developed collaboratively with the customer. Gaining input from the customer works to your advantage as you advance the sales opportunity.

Consider developing unique value propositions for each type of buyer. Because executives, users, financial, and technical buyers have different hot button issues, prepare a different value proposition for each type of buyer. Then, try to summarize these into an overarching value proposition for the pursuit.

Organize your executive summary around your value propositions. Begin the executive summary by stating value proposition that targets the most influential customer evaluator. Then present all aspects of your solution against one of the underlying value propositions, substantiating all claims.

Your value proposition should be reinforced throughout your proposal, including in theme statements and callout boxes. A well-thought-out value proposition keeps the evaluator focused on how you will solve their problem or bring them value.

Want to know more? Watch our recent webinar: A Value Proposition...What is it really?
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