Win Exec Summaries/Past Performance/Task Orders

Dates & Locations

Course Information

A description of each course in this combination is listed below.

Winning Executive Summaries

This one-day workshop begins by exploring the concept of customer focus and how it can be achieved. It continues with information on the many uses of customer-focused executive summaries in business development documents, especially proposals. A process for creating effective summaries is then introduced and practiced, step by step.

You will learn to:

  • Understand the nature of customer focus and how to infuse it into your documents
  • Create executive summaries focused on your customer’s most important issues
  • Use customized planning and organizing tools to quickly craft effective executive summaries

By the end of the workshop, you will have a completed executive summary you can use as a model or share with a customer. At your discretion, this can be an executive summary related to an historical business opportunity (won or lost), a live opportunity you are currently pursuing, or a case study furnished by Shipley.

Winning with Past Performance

This interactive workshop focuses on the importance of Past Performance as a proposal evaluation factor and how it contributes to a winning proposal.

Through lecture, discussion, and exercises, workshop participants will learn what Federal evaluators expect and how those inputs are evaluated.

Participants will also be introduced to best-practice methods that can be applied throughout the business development process to enhance Past Performance submittals.

Topics covered include:

  • What Past Performance is
  • Why Past Performance is increasing in importance as an evaluation factor
  • How Past Performance is evaluated in Federal acquisitions
  • What to do to maintain up-to-date Past Performance information
  • What to include in Past Performance questionnaires/surveys
  • How to tailor Past Performance submittals
  • How to overcome Past Performance deficiencies

Winning with Task Orders

This interactive workshop introduces key principles and practices for winning task order proposals and how they are applied throughout the business development process.

Through lecture, discussion, and exercises, workshop participants will learn important distinctions between task order proposals and other proposal forms, and their similarities—enabling participants to make better bid/no-bid decisions, create customer-focused proposal strategies, and create more efficient task order proposal response processes.

Topics covered include:

  • The nature of task order proposals and challenges to winning them
  • Increasing your batting average—how to make smart task order bid decisions
  • How capture planning works in a task order world
  • Quick response task orders—essential elements of preparation
  • How to tailor your business development process to fit task order bids
  • How to best leverage work performed on the contract vehicle proposal and previous task order proposals

If you register 30 days prior to the start of the workshop, enter EARLYBIRD at checkout to receive $100 off your registration fee!


If you have any questions about this course or others, contact Mallary Price at

Enroll Today



Who Should Attend
  • Proposal Writers
  • Sales Professionals
  • Business Developers
  • Proposal Contributors
  • Workshop Manual
  • Shipley Proposal Guide
  • Tools and Templates

I took a lot of your teachings to heart, especially the pre-proposal planning, proposal development worksheets, and debriefing tips. As a result, my company had its best-ever month in new business acquisition…I now have a win rate of over 60 percent! Thank you for the seminars that have proven so valuable to me, my company, and my professional future.

Corporate Proposal Manager